Contact Us

Have a question? We’d love to help! First, take a look at our Frequently Asked Questions page—it might have just what you’re looking for. If you don’t find your answer there, feel free to reach out using the form below. Or, if you’re ready to move forward, you can schedule an appointment here.

We’re also available by phone at (805) 765-1514. Just a heads-up: we don’t have a receptionist, so calls usually go to voicemail, and we rely mostly on online messaging to stay in touch. Please note that we don’t handle emergencies, and it may take us up to 72 hours (sometimes a bit longer) to get back to you.

For active clients, please utilize the messaging center within your account portal to reach out to us.

Please note that direct messages between appointments are intended to clarify questions/concerns pertaining to a current protocol or wellness plan and should not be used as an open forum for discussion on matters not pertaining to the current wellness plan or protocol. Messages should contain simple, targeted questions of a comprehension or clarification nature that are able to be answered in 1-2 sentences each; not paragraphs. The longer your message, the less likely it is to be answered due to time constraints. If further discussion is needed outside of these parameters, please schedule a follow-up appointment or hold this topic for a future consultation. We receive many messages per day, and the time available to answer questions between appointments is very limited.

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Our Location

Directions to Our Office

From the North via I-49/US 71 S

Follow I-49 S/US-71 S to MO-52 E/Ft Scott St. Take exit 131 and turn left onto MO-52 E/Ft Scott St. Continue on Fort Scott St for 0.8 miles, then turn left onto S Orange St. After about a quarter of a mile, turn right onto W Pine St (look for the Casey’s gas station at the corner of Orange and W Pine). Continue on W Pine St for nearly half a mile. Our office is at 207 W Pine St, housed in a residence rather than a traditional office building. You’ll find us directly across from the Butler Presbyterian Church and an old school building. Parking is available down an alleyway on the east side of the house.

From the South via I-49/US 71 N

Follow I-49 N/US-71 N to I-49BL. Take exit 130 and continue on I-49BL/S Orange St for 1.8 miles. Turn right onto W Pine St (you’ll see a Casey’s gas station at the intersection of Orange and W Pine). Proceed on W Pine St for almost half a mile. Our office is located at 207 W Pine St, in a residence—not a typical office building. We’re situated across from the Butler Presbyterian Church and an old school building. Parking is available via an alleyway on the east side of the house.