Health for Life


David Rostollan, ND

Targeting the cause, not the symptoms

Are you ready to take back your health?

Are you exhausted all the time? Wake up without any energy after a full night’s sleep? Or start out the day feeling great and crash in the afternoon? Have food allergies? Do you feel “off” despite your medical doctor telling you you’re fine? Do you have heartburn, bloating, gut pain, or skin problems? Do you have weight to lose in spite of an active lifestyle and relatively healthy diet?

I can’t say enough good things about Dr. Rostollan. He’s beyond knowledgeable. He’s sheer genius! He’s been able to help me heal when big time western medical specialists from Rush University shook their head and said they had no idea what was wrong with me. Instead of feeling lost and afraid, I felt like I was in good hands with Dr. Rostollan. My husband calls him my “Miracle Doctor” because he’s the only one who has solutions when everything else fails. I’m so grateful for his knowledge and healing abilities. I can’t recommend him enough. I know he’s always got something up his sleeve to help me heal, recover, and most importantly STAY healthy.
Tarah G.


My Mom had been searching for answers to her abdominal pain for years. She had been to countless doctors but they were unable to answer what was causing the pain and were unable to provide any pain relief! We started searching for a different approach as all of the traditional approaches had failed her.

When we first met with Dr. David I remember being so impressed on how intently he listened. His demeanor not only conveyed a true interest, but, also, a deep compassion. After our first visit with Dr. David, I remember thinking, “Now that is how all doctors should practice!”

My Mom had been dealing with abdominal pain for half of her life, yet, two weeks after beginning Dr. David’s protocol, her abdominal pain began to diminish! We were so happy, yet, also in a state of disbelief as we had spent all these years with all the other doctors and made no progress. I am so happy we found Dr.David and I would, without question, recommend him!

My father, my siblings, and my children, are all going to see Dr. David if we have health concerns!


Kansas City

I’ve had a weight problem for some time now. I actually went on diets, cut down my portion sizes and was ultimately frustrated, because the weight kept creeping up or, at best, stayed the same! I never thought I needed any advice on losing weight– I mean- how hard could it be to find a good diet? Out of desperation, I finally made an appointment with Dr. Rostollan, who ascertained that I had a lot of toxicity and metabolism problems. He designed a dietary and detoxification program that fit my particular challenges. I was amazed at how easy and satisfying the diet was. So far I have lost 9 lbs! My husband was a sympathetic participant and he also lost weight– more than me in fact! On top of it all, my toxicity score was cut in half! I feel better, think clearer and sleep great. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate Dr. Rostollan’s expertise. Because he practices functional naturopathy, which gets right to the core of a person’s problems, he treats each client individually. He has a professional approach which seeks out cutting-edge research. I trust my family’s health to his expertise! I’ve always thought- if there were ever a best-kept secret, Dr. Rostollan is it!



I have recommended David by word of mouth for years, and now I’m more than happy to be able to recommend him publicly on his website.  First off, since David started helping my family with various issues, I have found that communicable diseases, different food allergies/sensitivities, rashes, future illnesses, etc, etc don’t worry me like they used to worry me.  David’s consistent and thorough help has eased this mother’s mind IMMENSELY!  He always has an answer that goes to the root of the issue and makes sense.  It is such a relief knowing that David truly does have our best interest in mind, and, for his caring help for my family of seven, we are truly thankful!

My husband’s allergies have ALWAYS been terribly miserable for him, and we’ve tried fixing them to no avail.  After seeing David and following his protocol, they are 90% better.

Several years ago, my health tanked.  My immune system was obviously shot since I caught everything that blew my way.  I tried on my own taking immune support.  Nothing worked.  I went to David, did several tests, got answers, and after a few months I was not just back to normal, but I was feeling better than I ever had. One of my issues had been that my gallbladder wasn’t properly working, thus, it wasn’t  absorbing all the supplements I had been taking.  My health had a terrible domino effect.  One thing caused another and that caused another and so on.  David truly did root it ALL out, and I’m sure that was a job and a half.

My son had several symptoms that showed something was wrong. We naturally went to David, did testing, followed his protocol, and now my son is well, more energetic, and thriving in school (where he had struggled before).

My daughter, who hasn’t seen David yet, just started showing signs of food sensitivities and possibly more issues.  We have begun the process of figuring things out with David, and once again, I’m not worried.  I know God has blessed David with knowledge of healing and the desire to care for others through his practice. We often thank our Savior for blessing David with these gifts.  We’re ever so thankful that David is using them!

Rachael P.


Empower yourself through wise guidance to make personal choices and decisions that can result in regaining or improving your health. Discover cutting-edge research that offers you new choices for your stubborn health needs, digestive issues, gut pain, emotional or hormonal struggles, aging issues, fertility challenges, weight loss strategies, allergies, sleep issues,  exhaustion and so much more.

Set up an appointment with Dr. David Rostollan TODAY and get started on the path back to vibrancy and vitality!

Dear Dr. Rostollan,

I just thought that you should know how much our family appreciates the work you are doing with our mother. As you know, she has spent decades attempting to understand and treat multiple symptoms through traditional western medicine and members of the AMA and their affiliates. As you know, the results have been frustrating and her treatments have been ineffective. After our first visit, she was once again hopeful in regard to finding some explanation as to why and more importantly how to get better. The testing and lab results confirmed many of our concerns but most impressively, the initial treatments have provided relief that she hadn’t been able to achieve via conventional medicine. Thank you, Doctor, for sharing your knowledge and providing a new hope in our Mother’s life.

Tim P.

Kansas City

I highly recommend Dr. David Rostollan at Health for Life because he helped us figure out what was wrong with our baby girl’s skin. She was breaking out with eczema all over her body and we just couldn’t figure out why. David had us go through a systematic, holistic approach to get to the root cause. He suggested allergy testing which we did and the results came back with multiple culprits that we were able to then eliminate from her diet and environment. Also, he suggested that we give her specific probiotics and a few other supplements that would boost her immune system and her skin’s natural defense mechanisms. After multiple very insightful back-and-forth conversations, we were able to come up with a good strategy that has been working for a few months now. Her skin has completely cleared up and has fewer and fewer reactions. David’s thoroughly researched approach gave us confidence that we were fixing the actual underlying problems and not just treating the symptoms like many so-called specialists that we saw suggested. I like that David doesn’t just tell you to do something or take something blindly. He gives evidence and really makes sure that you understand what is going on and what you are putting in your child’s body. I highly recommend David and will be using him again in the future.
Darren W.


I have suffered from complications from a parasite for nine years and in those nine years I have been to countless MDs, acupuncturists, naturopaths, and other healers. Most are clueless about parasites and the gut, and those who market themselves as parasite specialists have consistently disappointed. Dr. Rostollan is the glaring exception.

Dr. Rostollan’s approach of using advanced testing, leveraging the latest in scientific literature, and his deep understanding of herbs and supplements has created deep positive change in my gut and adrenal function.
Henry L.


have been struggling with high blood pressure for years. Just prior to starting the supplement you prescribed, my reading was 191/86.  You have figured it out! Tonight I am 123/66.  This is my third night of taking it, and my readings have been down since I started. This is life changing. Thank you!!!
Bettie R.


My husband presented with stroke-like symptoms that led him to an ER visit. He was then referred to a neurologist and after an MRI was told he was experiencing atypical migraines. The doctor told him the more he experienced migraines, the easier it would be to get one so stopping one from coming on was important. He was prescribed 800mg of ibuprofen and then Imitrex if it progressed. When a migraine hit him, the Imitrex did little to stop it and he would be in a dark room unable to function for the entire day. My husband consulted with Dr. Rostollan for reasons unrelated to migraines. However, we mentioned he suffered with migraines and Dr. Rostollan recommended a food allergy test. My husband agreed to the test but I wasn’t sure if he would eliminate any offending foods. His results were highly reactive to eggs and gluten. My husband was eating 4-6 eggs daily for a quick protein meal as he is a powerlifter and eats a lot of protein. I knew it was going to be difficult for him to make the changes but he did. It has now been 2 years and no migraines, no Imitrex. He still gets headaches but rarely and ibuprofen is enough to stop it. He cheats 1-2 times per month now and I can see some other reactions to eggs and gluten but it’s not severe enough for him to be 100% compliant. We are grateful Dr. Rostollan recommended the testing because now he no longer has to suffer with migraines and he has less backaches as well.
Lisa M.




A study in November 2016 showed that 30 minutes of bright light therapy each morning was highly effective for treating major depression.



ERIN BROCKOVICH CHEMICAL TAINTING CASS COUNTY WATER? A quick post for the locals. The cancer-causing form of chromium (chromium-6, also known as hexavalent chromium — the chemical made famous in the 2000 movie “Erin Brockovich”) has been found in all four of the water...



Great research showing that the gut bacteria in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) patients is significantly altered, and very different from those without CFS. For a long time, doctors would tell the patient that CFS was “all in their head.” Not true! It is in their gut!...